Why Choose Mediation?
Mediation is a more affordable alternative to the traditional divorce and family dispute process. It is the efficient and peaceful method for a divorcing couple and their family. A mediation is successful when the divorcing couple chooses to work together and make joint decisions.Typically, a family court case can cost upwards of several thousands of dollars and up to a year or more in court. Mediation can resolve all the family issues in one day for a mere fraction of the cost. More importantly, mediation can help maintain peace among the family and make a difficult situation less stressful.
Who should choose Mediation?
Married couples with or without children seeking a divorce
Non-married couples with children
Same sex couples with children
Parent needing to modify an existing Parenting Plan or Child Support Order.
Ex-spouses needing to modify a Marital Settlement Agreement
Are you a candidate for Family Mediation?
Answering YES to one or more questions below means you are!
- Are you and your (ex)spouse or co-parent amicable?
- Are you and your (ex)spouse or co-parent willing to make joint decisions?
- Are you and your (ex)spouse or co-parent wanting to resolve matters peacefully and more affordably?
- Do you and your (ex)spouse or co-parent want to make the FINAL decisions?